Governments Canada

Governments Canada 2018

Grey House Publishing Canada
© Softcover; January 2018
ISBN: 978-1-68217-241-4
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-68217-554-5
1,200 pages
Price: $459.00
Free Access to Online Database with Print Purchase

Canadian Parliamentary Guide

Canadian Parliamentary Guide

Governments Canada is the most complete and comprehensive tool for locating people and programs in Canada. Governments Canada provides regularly updated listings on federal, provincial, territorial and municipal government departments, offices and agencies across Canada. Branch and regional offices are also included, along with all associated agencies, boards, commissions and crown corporations. Listings include contact names, full address, telephone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail addresses.

Highlights of Significant Changes
The Highlights detail major changes and events that have occurred in Canadian politics since the last election. Check here for news of elections, cabinet shuffles, major appointments and brief summaries of recent events.

Quick Reference Guide
A detailed list of references to topics of interest, under which the applicable contact branch, division, office or department is listed by name, with full address, phone, fax and email details. This is designed to be a one-stop reference for the user who wants a quick contact for a broad range of subjects.

The Listings
Federal government listings are followed by provincial and territorial government listings in alphabetical order. The sections are tabbed to provide easy visual access. Each section contains a table of contents including page references for major departments, ministries, agencies, boards and commissions within that government. 

Details on the Legislature follow, with date of the last general election, current party standings, and member salaries, indemnities and allowances. Included are listings for MPs, MPPs, MLAs, MNAs, etc., with constituency, party affiliation, phone, fax and email.

Government departments follow and are listed alphabetically by keyword, along with large stand-alone agencies. A list of Acts Administered by the department or ministry is also included. Following the provincial listings is the municipal section, which is arranged by provinces and by municipal type.
