b'CANADIAN WHOS WHO, 2025A Comprehensive Guide to the TOP 10,000 CanadiansThese lives, summed up in a few lines, recount history as it was and is being made.Roch Carrier, Former National LibrarianPublished since 1910, this work captures the lives and achievements of thousands of Canadian professionals, including artists, politicians, public servants, academics, writers, doctors, philanthropists, business moguls, athletes, and more.Canadian Whos Who is the only authoritative publication of its kind in Canada, offering access to thousands of Canadian icons from all walks of life. This familiar bright-red volume is recognized as the standard reference source of contemporary Canadian biographies, profiling individuals in such fields as law, education, politics, entertainment, business, and more.Documenting the achievements of Canadians from a variety of occupations and GREY HOUSE PUBLISHING CANADA | www.greyhouse.ca | (866) 433-4739professions, Canadian Whos Who records the diversity of culture in Canada. All who are interested in the achievements of Canadas most influential citizens and their significant contributions to the country and the world beyond should acquire this reference title.EACH DETAILED ENTRY INCLUDES: Date/Place of Birth Education Memberships Family Life Career InformationCIRCCreative WorksPrint Database eBookHonors/Awards Contact Information2,473.and much more!Executives Every year, new biographies are added and older entries are updated with the most 2,008 recent information. Individuals listed have all been selected based on their important Professors positions in Canadian society or because of their significant contributions to Canada.1,180 Pub. Date: December 2024 l 1,300 pages l Hardcover l $339.00 l Print ISBN: 978-1-63700-922-2 l e-Book 978-1-63700-923-9WritersYour Print Purchase Includes a Free Single-User Online Database Subscription.778 Call (866) 433-4739 for library-wide online database subscriptions.Lawyers556Politicians A ABBOTT,Elizabeth, e. M.A.,Ph.D.;historian,writer,dog 448 rescuer;b.Ottawa,Ont.;d.WilliamRichardandMargaret Abbott; child: Ivan; Sir George Williams Univ. B.A. 1963; McGill Univ. M.A. 1966, Ph.D. 1971; WRITER Artists AARON, Raymond Leonard,B.Sc.; New York Times Topand SR. RSCH. ASSOC., TRINITY COLLEGE, UNIV. ABBOTT3Ten Bestselling author, business coach, professional speaker,OF TORONTO; Editor-in-Chief, 2 The Urban Pet(news-A ABBOTT, Elizabeth, M.A., Ph.D.; historian, writer, dogchildren; 1st el.Dir., (K te0n0a0y, E 3 idQubec, to Ho bfi aC) .1997o,o0a4s,t ) 0g6.,e . 0189;9 d; lu.m 357 real estate entrepreneur; b. Sept. 1944; s. Joseph and Gladysd. William R .D.rd an 199193; Rsch. yarCltoy .t hSee cPyr.i vtyo C of dEtude du Coll., paper) Marg are.A. tCentrerescuer;bc.h Oildtt:a wIvaa, nO; net; AS.i r 1G96e6o, rgPeh ichiall1ia9m71s; d UWnRivI.TBERre-el. (Kootena P to thoe uMnciinl . 2o0f0 7C; dPna. rHltye.r iStaegce y. Aaron; married; children: Juli-Ann Elizabeth, Emma Jacque- COLLEGE,2 o0AARON,RaymondLeonard, im A9b6b3o;t tM; cGill Univ. M. Concordia Univ. t 6run0 82; 0S1w1;ornProf. Hist., Dawson1 W n0 196684;TenBestsellingauthor,business Ba.Schc,.;pNroefwesYsioornkaTlspeeaskTeor, panFdTSORR. RN R C Montreal U(N too sthiteio Mn iCn.r iotifcICntdenrn. aHt. eCriotaogpee, raStoiolinc i2to0r0 8Ge1n0e;r afol,r mReerv eOnpue - 198688; co O O SCTHO.;AESdSitOorC-i.n, -CThRiIeNf,I TYUrban Pet197284; Reuters Reporter for Haitilyn; e. Univ. of Toronto B.Sc.(Hons.) on scholarship in com- TheneIwV. s- p r Chair, B.C. Scientists &puters,l reaarloens;tamtearerniterde;pcrheniledurer;nb:.JSuleip-At. f 1n94E4l;izsa.bJeotshe,pEhmanmdaGJalacdqyus e- p treal19sc6h6. 8D4i;r .,PEd.-in-Chief, Chronicle Publications . i rn 198991; Dean of Caopnecro) rd1i9a9 1Un9i3v;. roefn. troef d C CA n ReutersHiEsttu., deD adwu sQonu Cboelcl, .,C &tPhaer lStye.ntheocaldmath. & physics 1966; PRES., THE RAYMONDorterCaonnasderav, aRtievgei oCnaaul cDues;v enlu . m w ofattete; sf.B orme. cVasictien-gC hAacirt, ; for 9Ha9i1ti;1D98ea6n 8o8f ; pyunte; r es.,Umnaivt.ho.& ToprhoynstoicsB.1S9c6.(6H; oPnRs.E)onscHhoElaRrsAhiYpMinOcNomD - Mdo.n-ine-nC, hTierifn, itCy Colleg Reptino, nSst . 1H9i8ldas Coll., Univ.CollegeandDean,St.HildasColl.,Univ. S.,T E 1972h8r4o;nicleeaPnudb lDiceaa Women,Trinity mtetem. . oRne fCodrmn.PHaretyri t1a9g9e;4 r2e0vi0e0e;CPdarnt.y R oeff oCramn aCdoan 2se0r0v3ati1v1e ; Researchers197378;Math.Teacher,NewtonbrookS.S.196971;Wom 196971;Tropical Obsession (play)t Alliance 200003; Conservativ Tropical Obsession(play) 19o7mputer Math.Teacher, NewtonbrookS.S. 1999; 2 HaHisi: AMremme. r fCorh aCirr,a Bndb.r ooofk D, iBrsd,Bouf rGgeosvss S.,h C R 1988;AHistory 378; 1986;A oryaloel lG. eoof stchieenceo cFkdine.s; ; Computer Teacher, Waikato Technical Inst., New Zealand1986; it TheDuvaliersandtheirLegacyC Teacher,WaikatoTechnicalInst.,NewZealandof CelHibaaictyi: The DuAv aHliiesrtos rayn do ft hMeiirs tLreegssaecsy1090838;; S ugar:foome: Wasa BC. 327 1972; began19-7h2o;ubreRgeaanl i iEsteastteinCgouinrsreea1l98e3sta9te5;1o9p7e3n;ecdreaartoera/lteeasctahtee rcreator/teacher); wardof it Celibacy nn- H ry A History W of Mistresses2003; Sugar:A 12 nv W Bittersweet History 2008 (shortlist, Charles Taylor Prize2 0f1o0 rABBOTT, [Caroline] Louise; lm-investing in real estate 1973;L ono-vF. icGtieonne r2a0l0s9 A A History of Marriage1999; Qbnotoekrvsiteowre-o1f-9t8h4e;-mlaounnthchCedDsuebaslcthripCtiroenatsoerrvSioceu)r;cefoun(daen d(sihteorratlriys t,N G for Non-Fiction 2010);maakrgear;r ebt . LManognlterye a(lG,CharlesTaylorPrizefor 12-hour Real Estate Course 198395; opened a real estateB tersweetHisto 2008(shortlist, e Rricohgahr dJ eannsd en Haiti: A Shattered Nation 2011; Editor-in-Chiefriguges. ) 1A9b50b;o tdt;.mW. iNlliiaemlsanadymopoenrdatAedartohneGMroiluliponaiVreISCAluCba1rd98jo8in9tl4y;laiuthncRhoeydaTl heof Canada 1990; co-compile 1d9LiteraryC ncitcloeM Kris oannsd.) 2009); 20R A K of U Marriage2010 R w BankChorlolespoi Einllgy.J1e9n7se2n; A HistoryNon-Fictionbookstore 1984; launched Wealth Creator Source (anF Linventaire de la omr aR eof thes.L ITpEr. R1 9A85N;D . DMOcCGUilMlENni-v. Musicians interview-of-the-month CD subscriptionL ytee nLt?a FTohnetainreench 68; editor Assembly ofGov. B.A.(H PHOTOGRAPHER 1971 ;for Non-Fiction 2010); siobuleis -GHoivpepronlm CanadiaRna cDisimlemBuinzcUhedbuCsilnaessssAccotliloengeL1a9w92suwititahgTai.nHstarBvloEckeQr19b92co9i4s ;C founded119(shortlist, UnitedTARYAward DOCUMENTARY la u service);1841De1b8a5t4es of the Legislative honours: Lt.inGenerals CMembersofParliament c chargingthemwithperjuryand18a4n0adsa1967;Vols.197083;C various centress iW Uennivtr.e oSf chN. ewofFirnuen sAwritcsk; ; and operated the Millionaire Club 198894; launched TheHaiti:AShatteredNation2011;Editor-in-Chief Chronicle treason, m including Otipopnosrietqiounes1t9in9g3;tjhoaint e andtheN e R 2007); M n Equinox 1o9r9oto Moanrcitoimrdeia WUrintievr.r;, S ncolr: kBshaonpff; editor BMaga delaCollection heCyonnsoutmbee rGoatv Ms aSgilavzeirn eM Aewdaalr dH fiostr. ,E Snivr iGroenomrgeen tWal ilWliar1it;i nCgo f-ofro uHndaeitri, : ms Univ. 1963;Le Grand Atelie Laeisd yReecoronntrfems anInteCrnenattiroen, alMeso ndtere la 245 D Mentor incjiuanl M F L td Wherelei vHeirsstowriacradlofCanada1990;co-compiled nB Linventaire al;orRespon-Raymond Aaron Group VISA Card jointly with Royal BankT Volunnte Cero mSemrvuinc-eP Racismthierefcatsytesatrkbeutisnignecsso-mbupialndye,rineliatsleuhciasto1r9y9;4laaunndchbeedcatmhe eRiv Hredraitage A RunBSroocw. 1n9 9i9o (uHnet rSitaingaei is-HippolyteLaFontaine1968; M anadi s an Dilemma of the programMonthlyMentor.com ity Lou Whoortkosghroapphs,i eR, oAckrlpeosr,tFMraainncee ;1 9In71ter9n3a;t.CFDil-mR O&MTperloedvuicseior, n Mnotrnetphlren1e9u9r8C; ou anodr moavrekeatnindgMwonoerky - Awnta. rdG; oCvitt.y oof lTuonrtoenetroSCeormvimceu nAiwtya Srder; vmicee mV.o, luTnhtee eWr Arwitearrsd; 197377 (duringD which time magazine recd. numerous Biz U business college 1992 with T. Harv Eker 199294;sible Government? The French C cGill New zineE larusnec1h9e9d6;blraaunndcihnegd O ofV PEN Canada; Volunteer, Tafelmusik;CAthletes launchedR Actionin Lawsuit against Bloc Qubcoiso 1840s1967; Debatesof i theLegislativeAssemblyofUnited sheotrpesatiMarketingGeniusConference Bd. of Dirs., St. Patricksno ocuf mCeannatadray;COorogpanrizaatitvioen d eosf Artaisntaeds ad)e ; ClassProgram 2012toteach 2011);launchedTheUnionCanada;r Benevolent Soc.; Ethicaanl gSuuaggaers; :awards)r;i teDrsO UCn (o 119 197083; honours: Lt. d Parliament charging them withE perjurydeac rAeastsino.n: fs kTaotrionngt,o; iAcyncglliincga,n ;s wl imming.Theeo rWgeville; mem., Professional Members of10-10-10 ib entrepreneurshowtoAnngtilgisuha,&Fr eBnacrhb;uandCanada 18411854 Vols. Writers Assn. of Canada; bryamwraittiicnagllya nocroeka;selatuhnecihrbTuhsieneUssltibmyattheeAauutthhoorritByothoetcyagmep tb Glms incl. The 217 treason, includinga injunctionA requesting thatWeb: elizabethabbott.caofB.CGov.s SilverMedalHist.,SirGeorge in Williams Univ.1963; in2012tM huerlipceauHtuhottrosn crelautmenwi eahltohlairnshtihpei1r9b6u2s,inCedsns. ;they not beB.A M Nunavik 1993, The VPiisninoancalreyaonf dM ty hset icP oetH iAstloerxya no-fforHaiti: honours: o A sc EntrepreneurofABBOTT, George Malcolm, Nat.Magazine AwardforEnvironmentalWriting20021, 995,Crisscrossing theYearcial Opposition 1993; joined Consumer. 195.,2; sA.; aclcoonlsm ultaannd t,dp TFarm Fenc g 2007, Qhueelbteerc :Co-founder, Award1988;aunthaloisrt,Internat. Instructionformer politician; b. Enderby,M S era cWe aalbndri dTgime:e: hAeHistory of 2008,SDirect marketing company, Melaleuca 1994 and becameWhere Rivers Run BrowninEquinox 1991;Programmed RCoMuirlsleioinnitnheTechniqueRseaolfCsatlactuelus19;67;YouCatsnfoMratkhe eColumbia B.A.IR theRiverdaleHistoricalSoc.1999 GivAin gJoTuarlknse yw tio thCommun-Hoisottosr:i c TBhaer nPs loacf et heW Ehaesrtee rnITLoiwvenships a 1990; CSapnraidnigabnoard E 19817990;BloomWhereSULTA; NInTs,t r.,C PolC. LSEci ., SOQkUanAaRgEan SO ToIOllN.S98L on 2011,(HeritageTorontoActors the fastest business-builder in its history; launched1975; Univ.Victoria M.A. 1978; CON- Award2007); Once Upon a Time 2009,Nunaaluk:Service 1990s toSuccess UniLv.U C 1 0T9D6. ;Remember 2010, Historic Georgeville: Walks and Monthly Mentor program MonthlyMentor.com and theityHeritage Jo hFno rBgootytnetnN eSttory 2014; MountSinaiVolunteer2012, Yoursee P 1993; ToDoWhat 1994; lk?1993;20h1a3ir, Columbia-Shuswap Regional District 198096;Ahe EmptyWriter & Asst. Dir., Le Filet vide/Who InlaCntheadrgeWhIesnYoYouurrLeifeNoAt?RandomMWenatorDMouabglie c lC Award;CityofTorontoCommunityServiceVolunteerAward; T1995;DiscoveringHow Top Soup YouLove1998; bookinCo luaursgweap r for Sircmam ino uths e1 B99.C0. i9n6te; rfioorrm; 1esrtOel.w ton eBr .oCf.Loledgeisst .incl. Best Documentary science, environment & technologyThe WritersYourIncoNmeew1998; TCimheicsken Ten); forhicthkeen P & ncilslto b) egr.rey.1fa996; re-el. 2001, 05, 09, did not seek re-el.H ServiceAward; M mem.,Entrepreneur Course 1996; launched For Love and Money(winner of seve rRala daiwo aQrdus bine cC aannda dDai,s cForvanecryeCanhda nthneelU19.S9.6 , SaoruepntfsorStohue(Shcial 2000 launchedmonths); C ction aenadlbthooIn k,&h Critic for Mun. AffaCirtsteOnt. Govt. Volunteer Esprance BCri-tTerV,tery of thee rSugar; And more! Retreat 1998; (on Soul York forsix branding and marketing work- s Union r g OppoDsietipoyn .Bloute Dochsa!l e9 6, Toronto); Narration C W Volunteer, Tafelmusik; Canadian r W19y9s8; Producshops iMarketingGeniusConference 2011); launched Thea.n do nf oFroof Canada; PEN Canada;Canadaever2y00w5e;ek MonthlyMentor Cair, Select StandingandFeosrtess, tsE; nfeorrm Mines1997,ThVei sNioantus roefotfh Te hLinogwser North Shore of Quebec GuaranteedW y,e(CD-ROMs): RealEstate The B &Community, Abo rceson Aboriginal Affairs;Patricks Benevolent Soc.; EthicalE AG C e form. erdocumentary photographs: SmallBusinessforDummies2012(only m utooamlsagHicarallnyding 2005;ofPetroleum ci aRl eOsopuproisgiitnioanl&Caucoums eCnttse . Soenrvicreism&BarbudaAssn.ofToronto;Anglican;languages: 10-10-10 Program in 2012 to teach entrepreneurs how toBd. of Dirs., St. BonneThe Coast Way: A Portrait of the DnojuobyliengYoMureaIsnucroambeleDMoionngthWlyhPartoYgoruesLsove 2;0 0M1in04; auth2o0r0to8;havedoneg (shortlisted for QSPELL award 1989),Shore: dramatically increase their business by the authority they getW Antigua English on the Lower North Shore of theT Shte.LawrenceFrench 1988 aleCtehdickae3n50S-omupile,bomookntahn-dlonagFfoorotDraucmetoietsheboNookr)t;h co Meianl.t ho f SSeruvsitcaeins ab2l0e0 Re0s9o;u rMcei nM.English, French; recreation:skating,bicycling,swimming. by writing a book; launch The Ultimate Author BootcampGovt.om 2o0r0i4ginoause LeaderNewfoundlands Port-au-Port oP Wenilidn saunlad Grand: A Travel1996, preface by p Pomle - H iliation5 f tA.b H 05l;RMeliant. ioonf sE. Annie Proulx, A Country Sce:445& 200910;Deputy 1999, 20 0R9ec1o0n; cMin. of Education 201112; resigned; Sessional in 2012 to help authors create wealth in their business;Web: elizabethabbott.caha andu eFbeencces in TthheeEHaesatret rn Web: aaron.comLocrtmr.,e dr oMcitnoorar lH coacnkde. yi nC oPaocl.h ;S Lcii.b, eUranl;i vH. oomff V:i cStiocraima o2u0s1 B3C ; ;Guide to the Loweirs tNoroyr thof S B orren so f Qe of the Fasrm o:fQA uHebec 2008, Eeyou Istchee: Land of the Cree/honours:MauriceHuttonAlumnischolarship1962,Cdn.Tow rnsip 2010, Memphrmagog: An Illustrated History/Tere dh7 m Ph.HD;Ascarietsn;tmist. ,ines iCrerii sl lu a g angdr aspohlo s AARTS,MichelleMarie, B.Sc.,M.Sc., nd B.Sc. Web: circlesquaresolutions.comABBOTT, George M alc olm, e s;tB.A., M.A.; consultant, p s; nalist, Wf Internat. Entrepreneur oflmmaker; b. M l,Une histo stre2n0d1 4m; afegaatzuirne sonriuems .a ndro puhpotoLr.oMfeascsoMr;abnu.St.twMoarcyhsi,ldOrennt.;1e9.U0n;idv oW.eastern Ont. ABBOTT, Jennifer,num. newspapersada and abroad; photographs the Year Award 1988; author A Programmed Instructionformerpolitician;b.Enderby,B.C.1952;s.Malcolmand CourseintheTechniquesofCalculus1967;YouCanMakeJ EYE .M lU h Aonbtbroetatl; .exbnse. roaflppuLbilbrary&in lC.h Mive recipientofnumerous PROF.,DEPT.OFBIOL.SCI.,UNIV.OFTORONTOQ W inf sCevanada, hotoicg craopllhsy. incrc anussCe adnua dQau;rbeescea, Nrcaht.i nGtearlleesrty s: WesternHosp.200006;CanadaRsch.ChairInSignalchuiled.;r edn.: Johenst oAnr,thTuarh lReIaN,opeer sasan;d eMarcgGoi lEl iznaibve.tBS.AI.N(CPo.;o 1975; A honours: M.A.1978;CON-aMillioninCanadianRealEstate1987; Labour tsfortheColumbiaB.A. rurallifeand Univ.ofVictoriaSci.)1987;DIR.,FLY G PRODUCTION heritage;T oInntpIeslcliheer,mFiraan2c0e0; 7 EexnpterretfoCrothnes.N,Auurroi-sHist.Project(VideoProd.),Vancouver199092;proizrems,anartKsuacwhaarrdsskyanAdwgararndtsfoirncCl.uCltaunraalda&CAourtnisctiilcBJougrrnaanlt-;LTD. Mraend.sSduAcSti,oMn me1m2;.,C e N1990s1990; Springboard to Success1990; Bloom WhereSULTANT, CIRCLE SQUARE SOLUTIONS3FREE ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY!2025-017 GHP Canada Catalog Spring 2025.indd 3 2025-01-22 11:31AM'